One of the best movie ever

One of the best italian movie

il traditore.jpg

Tittel Il tradittore

Director marco bellocchio

Cast Pierfrancesco favino luigi Llocascio...

Rate masterpiece

Few director has been as productive as Metco bellocchio and with such a good quality. Now he gives his interpretation high personally about the first big “pentito” or the Italian maffia that putted a lot of pressurize to the traditional maffia feud in Sicily and gave several problem. In the begin with the wonderful work of his PHD Vladan Radovicand the editing of .Francesca cavelli . we see a really great work that gives and rather noir vision of the criminal reality . Is a reality given not by some citation from other mafia movie but from the baroque art that comes from Rome to Southen Italy mostly by Carvaggio. The story focus on a really cool but terrible guy Tomamso Buschetta and Pierfrenascesco Favino that we could define like the Southern Eurpe Laurence Olivier that gives a portatit that rembener so much about the one that Robert DEniro and Marlon Brandon gave on Don Corelone  in the God Father. We see really from the begging how elegant and well educated he is and the main problem with his son .Giovanni play by Massimiliano Ubaldithat consume a lot of drugs and the more proper one michela play by Masimo Orlando . that his a drug addict and the difficult and really deep and passionate contact with his wife the Brazilian Cristina play with elegant and sexuality by Maria Fernanda Cândido. We see at once the contrast between him and the rather low profile of the really good father Totò Riina a rather gray ferocious and peti bourgeois character play by...Nicola Calì this actor that portrait e one of the most ferocious . this Rinna hwas a family man had no interst in elegance money whats so ever and only thorough about power for the sick of power. He is similar t don Corelone (came from the same small town) but snow nothing the only felling is in a comparative montage when we have the image of a hyena and the boss before he is taken.This Rina is responsible about all the attach to Bucheatta that was living and rather niece and drawback life in the beautiful Rio De Janierior. The Brazilian police attach towards the vila and the violent torture begin this path towards redaction of a man that was thinking about doing the right things and to respect a kind of code over the criminal life. But we see mostly when Tommaso Buscetta is cykling in the corridor speaking with the young police and also in relationship to the politic. The recreational between maffia and polity is really complicate and we definitly see it in Brazil but also in the USA. The scene in the USA are a bit more melancholia because we can see how the snow the not understanding of the language and the culture around him makes everything so difficult. We have also in the real old school and super classical film language we see how even under chrismans time we have some kind of intimidation. The real deuel in the hard atmosfere of the big maffia trail is the one between Buschetta and his former freinds Pipo calo that is play by an excellent Italian Fabrizio Ferracane that play what Anna Arent had define like the banality of evil. He is like Tommaso really different from all the other mafia guy. He is down to heart gray but elgant don’t scream and know what to say and how to say it and the even more fraithfull the christina democtaical Gilulio Andretto play by Giuseppe Di Marca. The other quality is how the persecutor that is the famous Giovanni Falcone here play by Fausto Russo Alesi. this great man was and is almost see like a saint insted here we have a man with his problem his god and bad side like Tomaso Buschetta. They can also be funny and eevn starnge like one of modern DOn Quxiottes and there are the cahrater of the Sanco Panca Totuccio Contorno that is presented by luigi Lo cascio.we couldthink that this guy is more of a Harlequin figure than a mafia killer but we see howhe is actuality a great action man that can escape. One of the charther that is more interesting even if we see so little about him is Fra Giancinto a priest frair and bandit play by atu La Vecchiain one of the best cation scen ever in the italien cinema. Really masterpiece

Robert Fogelberg Rota