Interview with Polina Dudkina.

Some actress even if they don’t make make the leading part are stacking in our memories with thei way of Play and one of them is definitely Polina Dudkina that play in Dmitri Meskhie the part of as Svistunova a young girl a paesens  that is the only communism in the bataljon She has answer to some question that I send to her after she had play this film that I saw at the Transcinema Balkan film festivla thank to Jelena Milla

Could you tell us if in your opinion this movie would be bather fro the Swedish man or the woman. It is a war movie but also a movie about girls   I think the movie "The Battalion" more like the Swedish women than men. I think that in Sweden there is like in Russina a certain tradition in having woman also in mans domain+


How did you get the part as Svistunova 


I do not know how I got this role. I had a very short casting. But to be honest, I immediately felt that I would be in this project. I realized that this is my director!!!

Was there some scene that was more difficult that others and how did you get prepare for this part?

 For me a difficult scene was the training fights. This scene was heavy. But not physically, but mentally. When the scene took off - we cried. I was preparing for the role of half a year. I read historical literature, I read a biography Botchkareva. and the shooting was a historical consultant. which helped us.

Is there some funny anecdote about the movie?

Funny anecdote - a member of the filming group was stuck in the mud and dug with shovels. It was so fun at the moment but the member was the first that smile on it-


What will you be you next project and is there a Swedish movie that you like?

 My next project - a historical drama about the revolution of 1917 (based on the book by A. Tolstoy, "The Road to Calvary") I like the films of Bergman, and I also liked the episode, "The Bridge”


Robert Fogelberg Rota